Blizzard March 13, 2018

There are two options available for fuel oil deliveries:

Automatic Delivery:

​We deliver to you automatically, there is no need to call to schedule a day or time.  Deliveries are setup according to degree days which is based upon weather and previous usage. With this option you must be willing to fill your oil tank every delivery. In today's busy world, this option eliminates the "I forgot to call" panic and ensures you never run out. 

Will Call:

You choose when we deliver. Simply call our office when you are ready for fuel. We recommend calling when your tank is between 3/8 and 1/4.  We require 24 hours notice and therefore calling at this level will allow time for unforeseen circumstances such as inclement weather.  With this option it is not necessary to fill your tank-a hundred gallon minimum is the only requirement. If your delivery amount is less than 100 gallons there will be a delivery charge.  *Please note-during summer months when there is not a high demand for oil deliveries, our schedule decreases. Please allow a minimum of 48 hours notice for fuel orders. 

 During winter months please keep in mind we have a very high call volume on Mondays. 

Discounts are available on fuel oil deliveries. We offer 20 cents off our price per gallon if the delivery is paid within 10 days. This applies to both automatic and will call customers. Payments must be received by our office no later than TEN days from the date of the delivery. Our drivers will leave a copy of your delivery slip at your residence immediately after delivering (unless otherwise requested). For your convenience we accept credit card and debit card payments over the phone and at our online pay portal keohanfuels.deliverypay.com  We also accept checks and money orders.  

We deliver fuel oil year round. Delivery frequency subject to change with seasons. Please plan accordingly. 

*Please be advised-whenever there is an upcoming winter storm we experience a high demand for oil deliveries. Please check your tanks and allow for at least 24 hours notice if you need fuel.  We kindly request to make sure your fill area is clear of snow. Our drivers must be able to see your fill pipe to make your delivery. 

Keohan Fuels is a member of the Masssachusetts Oil Heat Council

​​            Oil Deliveries